Hangi Recipe Links

Maori food
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Hangi-A New Zealand Feast

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Hangi down(up?)
Neuseeland Bericht
Indoor Hangi!
Info The Great Last Hangi. All drink and of course food is supplied and "on the house" so you don't need to bring anything with. The homebrew is on tap, is damn good and is not too dangerous The hangi will be dug up at around 20:00, but for those who can't make it, or indeed anybody who is interested, we will be "putting it down" at about 13:30/14:00. This is bit of a ritual in itself. After it is in the ground, there nothing to do or see for for the next few hours, except enjoy a couple of beers. So if you want to pop around to see what happens, you are welcome.

The Great Last Hangi. Getränk ond Asse send i grosse Mänge vorhande, muesch also nüt metnäh. s`Homebrew esch em Fass, verdammt guet wie emmer ond ongföhrlech... Om die 20:00 werds Hangi usgrabe ond esch zom verzehr bereit. Wär sech allerdengs intensiv met dem Ritual wett usenandsetze, esch wellkomme om die 13:30/14:00 be de Zuebereitig ond em anschliessende verbudle debi zsi. För die folgende paar Stond werd denn leider nüt me zmache oder zgseh si, osser du freusch dech öber eis, zwöi Gläser Bier...
- Cran

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